Our Goal

As students who have finished the Gunn High School computer science course, we hope to help educate the younger comunity of Palo Alto about how artificial intelligence can be used and what it may bring for the future. We have loads of experience in coding and AI and hope to share it with those who may be interested in the field. AI is taking over and we want to keep everyone ahead of the curve.

Our Workshop

We will be running a two-day course June 17-18 which will cover basic python programming and basics on AI models and machine learning works. We will also have discussions on ethics and applications of AI, and will finish off with a mini project that will cover the course's content. The courses will run for 4 hours from 10am-2pm, and snacks will be provided (although we do reccomend packing lunch as well).

The course will cost $100. You may cancel anytime before the session but will be charged a 20% cancellation fee. The cost will include snacks.

Students are required to bring a laptop & charger and are reccomended to pack lunch and a notebook.

About Us


Eli Khurgin

Eli is a junior and an avid coder who has completed the computer science curriculum at Gunn, and is proficient in many coding languages including python. On top of computer science, he enjoys playing volleyball. He loves to help kids understand the future and show what AI can do for us. His goal is to help students enjoy coding and understand how much technology and AI effect our daily lives.

Agastya Sandhuja

Agastya is also a junior at Gunn High School. He has been coding since 6th grade and teaching for 2. He was taught AI by alumni from MIT and Harvard, and took a college course at UCLA to further improve his knowledge. He hopes to teach students just how much potential AI has and how they can stay on top of the changes and take advantage of this technological revolution.



Below is an overview of what we will cover each day. This is not absolute and is subject to modification. NOTE: Due to active changes, we are currently updating the curriculum and have removed the schedule from the website


Our workshop is located at Mitchell Park Library and will be conducted inside the conference rooms. Parking should be available at the entrance and we will help students find the room during the first day of class, and an email will be sent out with more details after enrollment

Enroll Now

Got questions? Send us an email at [email protected]